Alesis Customer Service India, Email Address

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Alesis manufactures and designs innovative musical tools and instruments. The company was established in the year 1980 . In the year 2001, the company was acquired by Jack O’Donnell. They make a range of musical instruments from keyboards, hard disk recorders, synthesizers, iPod recording, playback devices, electronic drums, mixers, amplifiers and speakers. It is one of the first company to introduce world’s first professional 16 bit effects process under $ 1000 in the year 1986. The company produces the world’s most analog mixers having the advance percussion products like Surge Cymbals, USB Pro Kit, DM5 Pro Kit, Performance Pad. Keyboards, Mixers, Monitors, Amplifiers, Wireless, Accessories etc are the products of the company. They mainly focus on the quality and committed to offer the innovative products with a strong focus on the good quality audio gear for musicians, producers and engineers

DM8, DM10 USB Kit, DM8 Pro Kit are the electronic drums which are highly affordable line as of year 2011.

Alesis Customer Support India

For any enquiries about the Alesis and for it service , you can submit your request using the below link. To send an email as well please use the above link. For further more details about Epiphone etc, kindly visit the company official website. You can also share your views through Facebook.

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