Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceutica Customer Care Number India, Address
Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceutical Ltd is an Indian company which was established in the year 1901 with its head quarters in Kolkata. The company has diversified into three divisions Industrial Chemicals, Pharmaceuticals, Cosmetics and Home Products. It is one of the first company to produce quality chemicals, Drugs, Home products and Pharmaceutical. The company cater the needs of millions of common people with complete imported goods. Hospitol, Napthalene balls and PhenyI etc are products manufactured by company.The company for the products has received WHO-GMP and DGQA certification and Licence under ISO 9001.
Bengal Chemicals & Pharmaceutica Contact Details
Phone Number: (033) 2237-1525 / 1526 / 7667, (033) 2225-9502 / 7656,
Customer Care Number: (033) 2236-3148.
Fax : 91 (033) 2225-7697.
E-mail Support:
Head Office Address India
6 Ganesh Chunder Avenue
Kolkata – 700 013
In order to known more details about the company, you can refer the Website